June 22, 2009

Are Spain ’09 better than Brazil ’94?

Filed under: Thought of the Day — Tags: , , , , , , , — thetnppostman @ 12:29 pm

EUROPEAN champions Spain are not ranked number one in the world currently for nothing. The winners of Euro08 has set a world record for consecutive victories when they won their 15th game straight in a 2-0 win over South Africa on Saturday.

More importantly, Spain have now gone 35 games without losing, a feat that puts them alongside only Brazil’s 1994 World Cup winning side.

While the Dunga-captained side had been criticised for being too boring and defensive, the one-touch, free-flowing football of Spain ’09 has been winning fans and plaudits alike over.

However, while Spain are one win or draw away from breaking Brazil’s record, the Spanish conquistadors have yet to win the World Cup, a quest they will attempt to achieve in South Africa next year.

But can Spain ’09 be considered better than Brazil ’94 if the former breaks Brazil’s record?

June 10, 2009

If you were David Villa, where would you go?

AFTER securing Kaka’s signature on Monday, Real Madrid are turning their attention on Cristiano Ronaldo and David Villa, who scored a hat-trick against Azerbaijan earlier this week.

The Spanish hitman, who starred in last year’s Euro08, is also being pursued by Chelsea, who already have Didier Drogba and Nicolas Anelka on their books. The London club are also reportedly in the market for Franck Ribery and Alexandre Pato.

On the other hand, Real have Raul, Gonzalo Higuain, Arjen Robben and Javier Saviola, as well as new recruit Klass Jan Huntelaar, who moved in January.

With Valencia all but forced to sell their prized players due to their financial situation, Villa could be left with no choice but to leave the Spanish club, with Chelsea and Real being the frontrunners.

But if you were the 27-year-old, which club would you move to?

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