March 9, 2009

Question of the Week (Create pre-match “To Do” lists for Fergie & Rafa)

Filed under: Question of the Week — Tags: , , , , , , — thetnppostman @ 12:40 am

Hi all,

Sorry, this was posted up before Tues and taken down again by me, and I forgot to put it back up yest. But I guess you would have bought the paper anyway for the question. So go ahead here. Have fun!

THE POSTMAN’S QUESTION OF THE WEEK: CREATE two “To Do” lists for Manchester United’s Alex Ferguson and Liverpool’s Rafael Benitez, as if they’re reminding themselves what to do before their teams clash this Saturday.

In each of their lists, list 10 “to do” items in the style of sticky notes, and you can mix the serious (tactical reminders) with imaginative (out-of-the-box ideas), and also throw in some fun reminders like the ones below.
To Do List for myself (Alex Ferguson)
1. Come up with a new mind game for Rafa at Friday’s pre-match conference like…

To Do list for myself (Rafael Benitez)
1. Charge my laptop battery on Friday night.


Ernest Luis, The Postman, The New Paper

February 6, 2009

Question of the Weekend (Manager-Player Fun Letters)

Hi all,

THE POSTMAN’S QUESTION OF THE WEEKEND: DREAM up a fun letter exchange between a manager and one of his players at any of the English Premiership clubs, mixing your knowledge of the scene with your own humour, or creativity.

For example, you could write up an exchange between Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez and Dirk Kuyt.
Dear Rafa,
I don’t know what I did to deserve this, despite not being the striker you thought I would be. I bought you some Dutch clogs by the way.
Yours truly,
Dirk Kuyt

Dear Dirk,
You’ve always served me tea and biscuits first at every training session. Robbie Keane did nothing of the sort. And that’s why you’re here.
Your all-round movement helped the team because your attitude was right, from the start. Keane, I sensed, thought he was owed something, instead of proving himself every time I gave him the chance.
Yours bossily,

February 3, 2009

Question of the Week (Rafa’s treatment of Keane)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — thetnppostman @ 2:48 pm

Hi all,

THE POSTMAN’S QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Looking back, was Rafa’s treatment of Robbie Keane fair? Was it consistent or logical?

As a contrast, you can also refer to Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson’s treatment of newcomer Dimitar Berbatov.


Ernest Luis

The Postman, The New Paper

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